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The Cost of Car Key Replacement
secondary July 10

The Cost of Car Key Replacement

Everyone loves stepping inside their cars and heading home after a busy day. And during weekends, it is fun taking our beloved ones to visit captivating destinations that may help relieve us from the stress of the past week. Therefore, lost, broken, or malfunctioning keys is the last thing that comes to mind!

But emergencies are inevitable – your keys could drop off underneath couch cushions or they could get lost permanently. Then you will be in desperate need of a car key replacement service. It is good to have an idea of the cost of replacing your car keys when they get lost. This will help you know when you are accessing the right services so you could avoid being ripped-off.

Reason for the High Cost of Car Key Replacement

The cost of key replacement has not been this high! Some years back, you could get replacement keys at any hardware store or any locksmith can cut one quickly. However, that led to increased car theft because criminals took advantage of the security vulnerabilities in those cars.

To minimize car theft incidents, manufacturers invested in improving car security systems. In a short while, they started producing cars with advanced key fob technology, making it more difficult for criminals to steal cars. Unfortunately, the add-ons increased the price of car key replacement.

Car Key Replacement Cost

No doubt, technological advancement has made car key replacement more complicated and expensive. The price is determined by the model, year of manufacture, hardware, complexity, and more. The price ranges from $50 to $500.

Here are other factors affecting the cost of replacing car keys.

Cost of Replacement Parts

Though automobile keys and remote fobs are little electrical devices, they are made up of programmable circuits and batteries for powering the system. You can get it from the dealership or established locksmiths. The cost for the physical keys or remote fobs could start from $150. Note, that this is cost before programming.

Equipment Costs

Cutting the blank keys comes with its costs. The locksmith will factor their overhead into the cost of cutting, programming, testing, etc.

Programming/Labor Costs

For most automotive keys, including proximity keys, it takes two processes before the new programming could work properly. Key-cutting processes and configuration enable the key to communicate with other security systems of your car.

Depending on the experience of the locksmith, the process could take about an hour or more. The trusted locksmith must program the key fob to work perfectly with your car’s VIN. Apart from the complexity of your car security system, the labor costs could vary due to distance.

Count on Top St. Louis Locksmith for Affordable Key Replacement Service

With years of experience in the field, we understand that cost is the reason vehicle owners desist from key replacement services. That is why our services are designed to suit your budget.

We’ve set ourselves apart from the competition by offering top-notch and customer-focused services. We’ve got you covered when it comes to all your locksmith needs.
