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How Do You Remove a Keypad Lock
secondary March 15

How Do You Remove a Keypad Lock

Are you having issues with your home or office locks? Perhaps, you need lock replacement or an upgrade! Sometimes, situations require removing your keypad lock for a direct replacement.

To know more about keypad removal process, from start to finish, find out from this article. We will make the procedure simple and quite understandable.

Why You May Need to Remove Your Keypad Locks

Several instances require keypad removal, and when such situations arise, the only option is to remove the locks to repair them or for total replacement. 

Signs of Attempted Break-in

If you notice an attempt to break your lock, then you should consider removing or replacing it. Thank God the intruder did not succeed but the forceful attempt must have damaged some internal components. This time, try to install more quality locks. If the crime rate in your area is on the increase, contact Top St. Louis Locksmith for high security or smart lock installation.

Old and Worn out Locks

You may not have changed the locks for a long period. Perhaps, it’s an inherited property without any information about the last time locks were changed. We recommend you go for lock replacement and upgrade.

Dead Batteries

Power issues or battery overuse can negatively affect the lock. Meaning you must remove the lock to replace the batteries.

Home Improvement

Suppose you are renovating your home or office, which involves moving things to new locations. You will also need to change the position of your locks too.

Loose Keypads

When the keypads are loose and no longer hold in place with some parts already missing. All you need do is remove the locks and fix them or change them completely.

How to Remove Keypad Lock

Whether you need keypad lock replacement or repairs, follow the below process to remove the lock before doing anything else.

Turn off Power

Safety is first when handling electrical installations. Ensure you turn off the electricity in the building.

Unscrew and Remove the Knob

The next step is to remove the key knob. Using a screwdriver, get into the inner section that houses the knob and unscrew it from the keypad. 

Unscrew and Remove the Base Plate

Once you unscrew the base plate, it will expose the wires that are plugged underneath. This process requires two things; unplug the wires attached to the base plate. And disconnect all the wires connected to the batteries completely. Then finally, remove the door base plate.

Remove the Keypad Lock

Pull out the face plate, exposing the latch and bar. Then carefully remove them. Also, remove the strike plate from the door using a screwdriver. After doing this, remove the lock for repairs and possible keypad lock replacement. 

Wrapping Up

While DIY can be adopted for lock removal, ensure that you follow through the process to avoid causing damages to the lock and door. If you are not tech savvy and need a professional locksmith service, Top St. Louis Locksmith is here to handle all your knob removal and replacement needs. We have track record of handling different types and makes of keypad, electronic and smart locks. We can't wait to work for you, call us now.
